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Floors & Staging

Add a portable dance floor to your tent to create a dedicated area for dancing that is both flat, and stylish. Or cover your tent with our plywood flooring; a simple but effective way to prevent against mud or wet ground. Looking to put a spotlight on your head table, or a band? Choose from our various stage sizes and options!


  • Specifically designed to endure dancing and foot traffic

  • professionally installed by our team

  • Stylish & Customizable

20 x 30 tent with large dance floor rental

Dance Floor Rentals

Floors can be customized to your tent or any preferred size.

Standard Plywood flooring $1.50 per square ft

Tile Dance Floor: See prices below



What dance floor size do I require?

As a general rule, we recommend 2-4 square feet of dance floor per guest at the event. (Recommended numbers are for event guest totals, not number of people on a dance floor at once. Dance focused events should aim for a larger size.


Our dance floors are placed on a sub floor to make it relatively flat but will still follow the slope of the ground on hills or severely uneven areas.

12’ x 12’: 36-72 people at event

12’ x 16’: 48-96 people event

16’ x 16’: 60-120 people event

16’ x 20’: 80-160 people event


*Larger sizes available upon request*

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